Background: Women can now spend more than a third of their lives are after menopause. During menopause and menopausal symptoms, women's physical well-being may be affected. The aim of study: To assess the quality of life among postmenopausal women attending gynecological outpatient clinics at Beni Suef University Hospital. Setting: The study conducted in gynecological outpatient clinics at Beni Suef University Hospital. Subjects and method:Design: using a descriptive design. Subjects: A purposive sample of a total of 128 post-menopausal women. Tools: A structured interviewing questionnaire was developed by the researchers in the Arabic language consists of 3 parts; Part I included sociodemographic characteristics of the studied women, Part II: to assess the women reported symptoms related to menopausal symptoms, and Part III: to assess quality of life of menopausal women. Results: The most frequently reported symptoms of the studied women were hotness 78.1%, followed by muscular and joint pain 56.2% and fatigue 53.1%. The mean reported postmenopausal symptoms score was 10.31 ± 2.31, and the mean QOL score was11.28 ± 2.46. Conclusion: The results of current study concluded that the QOL of postmenopausal women did not affected by their postmenopausal symptoms. Recommendations: Since it is recommended to raise health awareness of females of different reproductive ages and of various educational backgrounds about the impact of a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of serious health problems associated with menopause.