Background: Schizophrenia is a severemental disorder interfering with an individual's capacity of clear thinking, managing emotions, making decisions, and relations with others. Aim was to investigate therelation between the hope and functional recovery among patients with schizophrenia. Subjects and method: Design: the study utilized a descriptive correlational research design was used. Setting: psychiatric in patient unit at port said psychiatric health hospital. Tools: The herth hope index (hhi); composed of 12 items adapted version of the herth hope scale (hhs). Tool II: the functional remission of general schizophrenia scale is a 19 items clinician-based questionnaire. In addition, to the demographic and clinical data sheet. Results: there was a statistically significant relation between hope level and the onset of treatment, number of hospitalization. Hope was shown to be significantly linked to gender, age, and family income. There was a statistically significant positive association between hope and functional remission. Conclusion: thestudy concluded that most of the studied patients have a high level of hope and functional recovery. In addition, it was found that there was a significant positive association between the total score of hope level of schizophrenic patients and the total score of functional recovery. Recommendation: the study recommended thathope-instilling programs and psychological counseling services have to be provided to schizophrenic patients. Moreover,social skills training programs must be carried out for patients with schizophrenia and cooperation with other institutions and organizations has to be achieved for enhancing their levels of professional functioning.