Background: Tracheostomy is a surgical creation of a stoma at the skin surface which leads to the trachea. It is indicated for upper airway obstruction which may be caused by laryngeal edema resulting from inhalation burns injury, anaphylaxis, trauma or infection. It is also indicated for prolonged ventilation, to protect the airway in conditions with excessive tracheobronchial secretions that require regular suction and used as part of another procedure e.g. head and neck surgery. Aim of the study: to determinethe qualityof nursing care on Patients with Tracheostomy. Design:A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit at El- azhar university hospital.Sample:The study data was collected from all available nurses (30 males and females) worked in the Intensive Care Unit in the time of data collection and all tracheostomiezed patients admitted to El- azhar university hospital in period of 6 months. (50 patients). Results: more than three quarters of the studied nurses were aged from 20 to less than 30 years. One third of the studied nurses had years of experience less than 5 years. More than two thirty of nurses had satisfied level of knowledge about tracheostomy care. There were more than two thirty of nurses had satisfied level of total practice. There is statistically significant relation between total nurse's knowledge and nurse's practice. There is highly statistically significant positive correlation between total nurse's knowledge and total nurse's practice. CONCLUSION: The most common cause of performing tracheostomy was needing artificial ventilation more than 15 days. Most of the studied nurses had satisfactory level of knowledge and practice regarding providing care to tracheostomy patient There was a statistically significant positive correlation between total nurse's knowledge scores and their total practice scores .Recommendations: improved nurses, theoretical knowledge, clinical performance and continuous evaluation of nurse's knowledge and practice are essential to identify nurses, needs and design heath teaching programs according their needs