The deterioration effects of aluminum chloride AICI3 medium dose (30 mg/kg body weight/day) short-term (40 days) in drinking water were studied on experimental rat brain, serum, bones and kidneys. Vitamin C as reducing agent was given orally to detect the effect of antioxidants to protect rat from suppressing caused by aluminum-stress in drinking water. Vitamin C was used as commercial chemical. pharmacological drug and aqueous balady orange peel extract in the same vitamin concentration (1 4 g/I).
Comparing to negative untreated rat, Al in drinking water (positive control) significantly decreased daily body weight gain, daily feed intake and food efficiency. Causing neurotoxic effect and oxidative damage. Al increased serum cholinesterase ChE insignificantly, brain ChE significantly and lipid peroxidation LP significantly as well. Al showed significant decreased of serum vitamin C content. Serum lipid profile; triglyceride TG, cholesterol CHL, low density lipoprotein LDL and very low density lipoprotein vLDL have been insignificantly increased, and high density lipoprotein HDL was significantly decreased. Kidneys profile changes have been detected in the significant high level of urea and creatinine. Al increased P and decreased Ca contents, insignificantly in serum and significantly in bones. Neurodegenerative changes have been noticed as neurotic plaques and necrosis in the cerebellum. Granulation, vacuolation and necrosis of epithelial lining renal tubules have been noticed in kidneys histology.
Comparison study between the commercial, medical and natural extracted vitamin C effects on deterioration effect of Al has been done Comparing to positive control, vitamin C sources showed significant increase for food efficiency. Extracted vitamin insignificantly reduced serum ChE activity and improved HDL (8.75% increase),and LDL (13.75% decrease) values, insignificantly . While, medical vitamin showed significant decrease of brain ChE, improved kidney function significantly and increased serum Ca insignificantly. Commercial vitamin increased serum vitamin C content significantly, decreased lipid peroxidation significantly and decreased Al bones, increased Ca in bones, significantly. Apparent and normal histopathological change have been detected especially with sections of natural vitamin extract.