Objective: The present study was performed to evaluate the effect of addition of human serum albumin and platelet rich fibrin to xenograft bone for socket preservation.
Material and Methods: 20 patients seeking treatment for badly broken teeth (lower premolars and molars) 10 patients in each group. In the first (study) group, the patients will be subjecting to extraction of badly decayed non restorable tooth then insertion of human albumin coated xenograft bone (OneGraft natural collagenated bovine bone graft 1.0 -2.0mm grain size Bioimplon, Germany) and platelet rich fibrin. In the second (controlled) group, the patients will be subjecting to extraction of badly decayed non restorable tooth without xenograft insertion. CBCT was done to evaluate; bone density, alveolar bone height at the site of extraction and bone graft addition. Bone Density and height was measured at alveolar bone crest & middle of the socket at region of interest (ROI) immediately & at 6 months post operatively.
Results: In albumin coated xenograft with PRF group showed less decrease in buccal, lingual height and width , increase in bottom of socket and increase in bone density measurements.
Conclusion: the use of albumin coated xenograft with PRF were effective in socket preservation , significantly minimized ridge resorption in all dimensions, accelerate the bone healing and shorting the time period for rehabilitation than the normal sequence of healing.