Objectives: this current study attempted the evaluation of the effect of using platelets rich fibrin and mineralized plasmatic matrix platelets concentrates after surgical extraction of lower third molar. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 requiring extraction of at least one mandibular non-restorable impacted wisdom tooth. (n=40). The samples were divided into two main groups (20 each) (Group A) extraction of mandibular impacted wisdom tooth and socket was filled using platelets rich fibrin (PRF) and (Group B) extraction of mandibular impacted wisdom tooth with application of mineralized plasmatic matrix (MPM) and platelet-rich fibrin for socket preservation. Participants were evaluated at 1st, 3rd and7th day, 6 months postoperative. Data were statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS software version 20.0. (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). Results: This study showed At 7th day, MPM group showed a significant higher maximum mouth opening measurement than PRF group. At 6 months, postoperatively MPM group showed a significant higher bone density measurement than PRF group and showed a less percentage of change in density measurement than PRF group. Conclusion: MPM not only enhances the rate of new bone formation, but also increases the quality (density) of the newly formed bone