Maize (Zea mays L.) is the 2nd most important cereal crop worldwide. Maize ear rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg (synonym F. moniliforme J. Sheld.) was reported as the most important soil-borne fungal pathogen infecting maize grains. Three isolates of F. verticillioides were isolated and identified from infected fields and storage maize grain samples collected from different Districts at El-Sharkia Governorate (Zagazig, Fakous and Hehia) during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons. Pathogenicity tests revealed that Zagazig isolate was the highest pathogenic one causing post emergence damping-off and root rot followed by Fakousisolate, whereas Hehia isolate was the least effective one. These isolates were varied in their pathogenic potentiality causing maize grain rot. Maize grains in non-sterilized and none wounded shelled ear, were highly infected, followed by grains in non-sterilized and wounded covered ears, whereas covered and sterilized grains in maize ear were the least infected one. Infection with F. verticillioides reduced germination percentage, coleoptile height, radical growth and vigor index. Seven maize hybrid were significantly varied in their reaction against infection with F. verticillioides under greenhouse conditions. Tri-Hybrid 323 revealed the highest percentage of survival healthy plants, followed by Tri-Hybrid 310 while, Tri-Hybrid 352 (Giza 352) was the lowest one. Fertilization withN3P2K3 (0.96-0.60-0.22) levels reduced pre-emergence damping-off, however, N2P2K3 (0.77-0.60-0.22) and N2P3K2 (0.77-0.75-0.15) reduced post-emergence damping-off, N1P3K1 (0.58-0.75-0.075) reduced root rot and N1P2K3 (0.58-0.60-0.22) showed the highest percentage of healthy plants. Different levels of some organic and bio-fertilizers including vegetarian and animal compost as well as biofertilizer Halex were evaluated to suppress damping-off and root/rot of maize cultirvar Giza 352. The results of using different levels of NPK, some organic and bio-fertilizers significantly improved the vegetative growth parameters of plant growth (stalk height, number of leaves /plant, stalk weight, root weight and root length).