Azolla is a floating aquatic macrophyte belonging to the family of Azollaceae. The fern of azolla hosts a symbiotic ceyanobacteria (anabaena azollae), which is responsible for the fixation and assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen. Azolla has been reported to be a very good source of protein, essential mineral elements and vitamins. Out of several species, azolla (Azolla nolotica) has been reported to be best suited for tropical climate and livestock feeding. The measurements of colour, crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, total ash and phenol compounds were recorded. In azolla, colour values of lightness (L) and yellow blue colours (b) were 39.15 and 7.38, respectively. On the other hand, the values of red to green colours (a) were 1.8. The mean concentration (% of DM) of organic matter, crude protein, crude fibers, ether extract, total ash, nitrogen free extract (NFE) were 47.22, 31.67, 11.04, 5.90, 15 and 36.39, respectively. Concentrated protein of azolla (ACP) could be used as feed supplement for human because its high levels of carbohydrate, protein, crude fat, total digestible nutrients and lower crude fiber contents. After concentration, the values of colours (lightness) decreased to 33.23. Also, the values of red to green colours (a) and yellow and blue colours (b) were decreased to 1.47 and 3.00, respectively after concentration. Chemical analysis indicated that (ACP) contained (DM %) crude protein of 40.83, crude fiber (4.63), ether extract (5.06), ash (17) and carbohydrate (30.5). Added to that, the gross energy value of 434.67 kcal/100 g was obtained. The concentrations of calcium and phosphorus were 55.48 and 1.51%, respectively.