The present study was carried out at a private farm in Abou-Homos distract, El-Behiera Governorate during 2019 and 2020 seasons to examined the role of the three soil application treatments seaweed, yeast and garlic extracts as well as the control (zero addition) and the three foliar spraying treatments Lithovit, potassium citrate and mono ammonium phosphate in addition to control (Tab water) on growth, fruit yield and quality of tomato hybrid "Soltana".The obtained results showed that all tomato growth traits, total chlorophyll, chemical constituents of plant foliage and fruit yield and its components significantly affected by soil application and foliar spraying treatments as well as their interactions in both seasons. In this respect, Tomato plants that treated with treated with seaweed extract as soil application and mono ammonium phosphate as foliar spraying had the highest; plant height, number of branches/plant, leaves number/plant, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight and leaves content of total chlorophyll, P, K and total carbohydrates content as well as the highest fruit yield per plant and per feddan in both seasons.