An 9x9 half diallel cross was evaluated at two different locations (Moshtohor (L1) and Sids (L2)) for nine quantitative characters. Locations and hybrids mean squares (Ms) were significant for all studied characters. Significant crosses x location mean squares were detected for all studied characters, except, days to 50% tasseling. General (GCA) and specific (SCA) combing ability Ms were significant for days to 50% tasseling at Sids (L2) experiment and days to 50% silking at Moshtohor (L1), SCA mean square for shelling% at Sids location (L2). High ratios of GCA/ SCA exceeded the unity were found for tassling date at L1 and L2, silking date and plant height at L2, ear height and shelling% at L2 and combined analysis, No. of kerenel/ row at L1 and combined analysis and no of rows / ear at both and across locations, indicating that additive and additive by additive gene action participate a large portion total genetic variability for these traits. Regarding, the other studied cases, the large portion of the total genetic variability for these traits was due to non-additive gene action because, the GCA/SCA values were less than unity. The parental inbred lines No. 1, 2, 6 and 9 gave positive and significant () effects for grain yield/ plant and one or more of its components. The parental combination P1xP3, P1xP4, P1xP5, P2xP4, P2xP7, P2xP9, P3xP4, P3xP5, P3xP6,P4xP6, P5xP6, P6xP7, P6xP9, P7xP8, P7xP9 and P8xP9 for grain yield/plant exhibited significant positive effects. The cross 1x3 out yielded the check hybrid SC10 at both and across environments.