The development of fish production is one of the pillars of the development of animal protein sources in Egypt. The Egyptian fish production increased from 1.9 million tons in 2018 to 2 million tons in 2019, with an increase reached 5.4%. This is due to the increase in the amount of fish farms production, which comes their production as a first rank with a rate of 79.7%, followed by lakes with percentage 10.8%, then marine waters with 4.9%, fresh water with 3.8%, and rice fields with 0.8% of the total amount of fish production in Egypt.
Lake Qarun is characterized by the diversity of its production of fish, up to ten species, but this production stopped due to many factors, the most significant of which is the increase in salinity and the accompanying environmental changes such as a decrease in biological diversity and a decrease in fish production, besides the continuation of pollutants flowing through the drains, whether sewage or transfer of some species of harmful jellyfish to the lake, the characteristics of the lake have deteriorated significantly.
The results show that the development of fish production in Egypt over the period (2003-2019), it was found that marine fisheries contributed 9.32% of the total fish production in Egypt, with an average quantity of about 114.29 thousand tons, while lakes contributed 13.82% of the total fish production in Egypt. The total fish production in Egypt with an average quantity 173.81 thousand tons, while fresh water contributed by 6.99 percent. It was also found that fish farming occupies the first place in terms of contributing to fish production in Egypt, with an average production amount reached 967.38 thousand tons, representing about 69.86 %.
By studying the seasonal fluctuations of the fishing from Lake Qarun, the results showed that the fish species in Lake Qarun were characterized by seasonality during the average period (2015-2019), which is the period during the decision of stop fishing was applied for two months, namely May and June, by increasing the fishing from the general average 95 tons over the months of January, February and March, reaching 150, 122, 113 tons, respectively, where its highest limit was in January, with a seasonal index amounted 157.89%, while it reached a minimum in the months of April and December, with a seasonal index reached 38.95%, 53.68%, respectively.