The current study was carried out on an experimental farm at the El-Kanater Horticultural Research Station in Qayubeia Governorate, Egypt, and lasted two seasons in 2018 and 2019. Banana plants of the "Williams" cultivar were grown in clay loamy soil with the mates (plantation holes) 3x4 meters apart under the flood irrigation system. The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of Potassen-N and EM on some phonological measurements, productivity, and fruit quality in "Williams" Banana plants. In any case, an experiment included the following nine treatments: (1) T1 stands for control (100 percent minerals NPK or RD), (2)T2-RD + Potassen-N at1 L/Fed (3) T3-RD + Potassen-N at 1 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed (4) T4-RD + Potassen-N at 2 L/Fed( 5) T5- RD + Potassen-N at 2 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed (6) T6- RD + Potassen-N at 3 L/ Fed (7) T7- RD + Potassen-N at 3 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed, (8) T8- RD + Potassen-N at 4 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed and (9) T9- RD + Potassen-N at 4 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed The obtained results revealed a positive correlation between the values of the studied parameters (Vegetative growth, productivity, fruit quality, and nutritional status) and the treatments under consideration. T9: T9-RD + Potassen-N at 4 L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed were statistically superior in this case. T1: 100 percent minerals NPK or RD and T2-RD + Potassen-N at 1 L/Fed, on the other hand, achieved the lowest values of these parameters. Furthermore, in both seasons of research, the remaining treatments occupied a position in the middle of the treatments mentioned above. Finally, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the use of RD + Potassen-N at 4 L/FedĀ + EM at 10 L/Fed and/or RD + Potassen-N at 3L/Fed + EM at 10 L/Fed could be safely recommended under similar environmental and horticultural practices as those used in this experiment.