
The economics of the maize crop according to the irrigation systems in Sharkia Governorate


Last updated: 24 Dec 2024






Maize is one of the main and important cereal crops in Egypt, due to the multiplicity of areas of its use, whether it is human food (human) and animal food (animal and poultry), and the newly reclaimed and cultivated lands form an important part of the state's plan for horizontal expansion and large areas of these lands can be cultivated. The study focused on identifying the current production status of the maize crop in the Sharkia governorate compared to the republic during the period (2008-2018) as it was estimated that the production of maize increased and the quantities imported from abroad which were used as fodder. The area cultivated from the maize crop across the Republic is about 2,166.14 thousand feddans during the period from (2008-2018), while the annual average of the cultivated area in Sharkia governorate is about 248.95 thousand feddans, representing the average cultivated area in the Sharkia governorate to its counterparts at the level of the Republic during the previous period about 11.61 %, And the average feddan productivity reached 3.25 tons / acre, 3.34 tons / acre at the level of the Republic and the Eastern Governorate respectively. As for the total production of the maize crop, the average production amounted to 6908.53 thousand tons, 852.07 thousand tons at the level of the Republic, and the Eastern Governorate, respectively, and the average total production of the Eastern Province represents about 12.38% for the Republic during the study period. By studying some economic indicators of the maize crop, it was found that the agricultural price of the maize crop during the study period increased at an annual increasing rate of about 23.66 pounds / ardeb, at an increase rate of about 7.6% of the average farm price of the crop, which amounted to about 309.45 during the study period, While the total costs increase at an annual increasing rate by about 388.78 pounds / acre, at an increase rate of about 10.97% of the average total costs, which were estimated at 3544.45 pounds / feddan during the study period, while the net yield of maize crop was estimated and took a decreasing rate of about 33.62 pounds / acre. With a change rate of about -1.39%. While the economic efficiency of the seed elements, municipal fertilizer, mechanical work, nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, the amount of water according to the drip irrigation system for maize crops in Al Salhia center was estimated at 2.03, 1.11, 1.62, 4.07, 8.14, 10.96, 31.27, 31.27, 6.65. Accordingly, the total cost per acre of maize crop with flood irrigation system reached about 7467 pounds, and the drip irrigation system reached 1394.6 pounds. While the net yield of the acre of the maize crop in the flood irrigation system amounted to about 3875.5 pounds, and it was also found that the cost of producing the unit (ardab) of the maize crop amounted to about 262.28 pounds in the flood irrigation system, 201.63 pounds for the drip irrigation system, and the total return per unit (Ardab) Of the maize crop in the flood irrigation system, about 311.26 pounds, and about 339.36 pounds in the drip irrigation system. The unit return from water was about 3.8 pounds / m3 for the maize crop in the flood irrigation system, and it reached 4.5 for the maize crop in the drip irrigation system. The water for maize crop by flood irrigation system was about 0.6 pounds / m3, while it was about 1.8 pounds / m3 for maize crop by drip irrigation system. As for the cost of the water unit for the total costs, it reached 3.2 pounds / m3, and it reached about 2.6 pounds / m3 for the maize crop. With flood irrigation system, drip irrigation respectively





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Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor

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The economics of the maize crop according to the irrigation systems in Sharkia Governorate




Created At

22 Jan 2023