Six hundred unsexed one day old Japanese quail chicks of a nearly similar live body weight were used in the present study as a trial to improve the productivity of quail chicks applying three probiotic preparations including (pediococcus acidilactici, pediococcus acidilactici plus entrococcus faecium and Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis) to quail chicks, diet at a level of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg probiotic/ton ration.
The results obtained showed that chicks fed diet supplemented with Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis had the highest averages of body weight and weight gain compared with different treatment applied. Chicks received 1.5 kg probiotics /ton ration showed the highest averages of body weight and body weight gain at the end of the experimental period followed by chicks received 2 kg/ton, then by those fed diet with 1 kg/ton when compared with the control group. Chicks fed diet supplemented with a mixture of Bacillus licheniforis and Bacillus Subtilis showed the lowest average of feed consumption at all estimated periods compared with those fed pediococcus alone or pediococcus plus entrococcus. The lowest average of feed consumption was observed when Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis was interacted with either 1.5 or 2.0 kg/ton ration, respectively. Supplementing diet with Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis had significantly the better efficiency of feed utilization during the whole experimental period followed by those fed diet with pediococcus plus entrococcus and pediococcus alone, respectively. Chicks fed diet supplemented with Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis had the better performance index and economical efficiency followed by those fed diet with pediococcus plus entrococcus and then by those fed pediococcus alon. In general all levels of feed additives applied had higher performance index and economical efficiency values compared to controls. The higher economical efficiency and performance index values were observed when Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis was interacted with either 1.5 or 2 kg/ton ration. The lowest average of mortality rate was observed in chicks received 1.5 kg probiotics per ton diet (3.88%) followed by those fed 2 kg/ton (4.99%), then by 1 kg/ton (5.55%)compared to control group(13.33%). Bacillus licheniforis plus Bacillus Subtilis at a level of 1.5 and 2.0 kg ton/ ration seemed to be adequate to achieve the favorable results and could be recommended from the economic point of view.