Two field experiments were carried out during the two successive winter seasons of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 under newly reclaimed sandy soil at Sadat City, Menoufia governorate, Egypt. The aim of these experiments is to study the response of two garlic cultivars namely Balady and clone Sids-40 to nitrogen fertilizer sources in the form of organic sources (botanical-waste compost, animal waste compost and animal –botanical-waste compost in addition to inorganic fertilizer (NPK) 100 % of the recommended does (120, 80, 70 kg fed -1 of NPK fertilizers respectively) + (20 m3) cattle manure as control treatment and the effect of that on the vegetative plant growth expressed as plant height, number of leaves per plant and fresh as well as dry weight of whole plant , chemical composition and yield of garlic plant. A split plot design with three replicates was used where the two garlic cultivars, Balady and Sids-40 were located in the man plots. While nitrogen fertilizer in the form of organic and inorganic was randomly applied in the sub plots .Obtained results indicated that the highest values of plant height and fresh and dry weight of whole plant as well as total produced yield/ fed., were obtained in case of cv. Balady while the highest number of leaves / plant was recorded in case of cv. Sids-40 plants Sids-40 cultivar gave the maximum bulb weight clove weight and total fresh yield in relative to the other tested garlic cv. In this respect, nitrogen at 120 kg /fed as a 100% of recommended dose in the form of inorganic and organic fertilizer (botanical waste compost) reflected the highest values in all studied growth and yield traits compared with other tested treatments in both seasons.
Finally it could be concluded that under such condition planting cv. Sids-40 and fertilizing with 100% of the recommended dose in the form of organic and inorganic was recommended for higher yield with good quality of garlic.