This work was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012at the Experimental Lathe House of Horticulture Dept., Faculty of Agric., Benha University, Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of IBA, rooting media and planting date as well as their combinations on rooting percentage, root number and fresh and dry weights of roots as well as root anatomical features of Conocarpus erectus L cuttings. The recorded data showed that: all tested concentrations of IBA statistically increased rooting percentage of conocarpus as compared with untreated cuttings in both seasons. However, the highest value of rooting percentage was gained by 3000 ppm IBA- treated cuttings. Using M4 ( sand + clay + peat moss + perlite) showed to be the most effective one for inducing the highest rooting percentage , followed in a descending order by M2 ( sand + clay + peat moss ) in both seasons . Rooted conocarpus cuttings in July month significantly produced the highest values of rooting percentage, followed in a descending order by May then September months in both seasons. The combinations of July month statistically induced the highest values of rooting percentage, especially those received IBA at 3000 ppm and rooted in M4 medium. IBA at either 2000 or 3000 ppm increased the root number of cuttings, with superiority of 2000 ppm as compared with untreated cuttings at both seasons. Using M4 proved to be the most effective one for producing the highest number of roots/ cutting as well as their fresh and dry weights, followed by using M3 in both seasons. Planting cuttings in May month induced the highest number of roots /cutting as well as their fresh and dry weights, followed in a descending order by July and March months in both seasons .The combination of May month registered the highest values of these parameters, especially those treated with IBA at either 2000 or 3000 ppm and rooted in M4 medium. Moreover, most of the tested treatments affected the root anatomical features of conocarpus plants.