Two field experiments were carried out during winter season of 2011 and 2012 years at the Experimental Farm of Kaha Station , Qalubia Governorate to study the influence of with some natural stimulants on pea plants c.v Master B using ascobean compound as a source for citric and ascorbic acids as well as power-mix compound as a source for amino acids and using also two natural fertilizers, i.e. rock phosphate as a source of phosphours + feldspar as a source of potassium by soil application during soil preparation, In addition,treating pea seeds before sowing with four biological materials, i.e. phosphoren, potassiumag, rhizobium and mycorrhizal comparing with the normal fertilizer recommendation as control . It was found that adding rock phosphate + feldspar +rhizobium+ mycorrhizal and the treatment of rock phosphate + feldspar +rhizobium+ potassiumag +phosphoren respectively, were the favorable treatments on induce significant results on growth, i.e. plant height, number of leaves/ plant, fresh and dry weight/plant. The same treatments led to significant values on pod characters, i.e., pod weight, number of seeds/pod, weight of 100 seed and total green pods yield. Moreover the treatment of adding rock phosphate + feldspar + rhizobium + mycorrhizal induced significant increases in nitrogen concentration as well as protein content in the seeds, while the favorable treatment on increasing seed sugar content was treating the seeds with rhizobium and mycorrhizal. It was found also that adding rock phosphate +feldspar +mycorrhizal led to high phosphorus concentration in pea seeds. The treatment of foliar spray with ascobean induced significant increases in nitrogen, phosphorus and protein seed contents as well as leaf content from chlorophyll. The sugar concentration in pea seeds increased significantly by power- mix application.
Generally it can be recommended by adding rock phosphate as natural source of phosphorus +feldspar as a source of natural potassium and treating pea seeds with rhizobium ,phosphorien , potassumag as a biological material and spray pea plants with ascobean or power –mix without adding any chemical fertilizers to produce high green pod yield with favorable quality comparing with the normal fertilizer recommendation.