The rapid development of remote sensing technology and gradually maturing of GIS technology applications provides the foundation for land use suitability from the qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis. The use of remote sensing technology, GIS technology in land suitability evaluation is a new technology. The present study is a qualitative evaluation of land to determine land capability and land suitability in southern Suez Canal area for wheat, maize, cotton, rice, onion, alfalfa, potato, tomato, citrus cultivation. Taking land use information from study area through land use interpretation of 2013 ETM image and pedological variables, like Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) status, soil reaction (pH), Organic Carbon (OC) and soil texture that are mandatory input factors for land suitability evaluation through remote sensing and GIS analysis. All these factors have been rated based upon the proposed method of Sys et al (1993). The qualitative approach given by FAO (1976) has also been used to classify the land on the basis of their suitability ranked classes (e.g. S1, S2, S3, S4, N1 and N2). The result indicated that only 18% of agricultural land can be demarcated as highly suitable for rice cultivation whereas 33% of agricultural land as highly suitable for wheat cultivation in the study area.