Weeds are one of the biggest obstacles to upgrade wheat production. Using the proper seeding rate and applying effective weeding program are among the factors suppress weeds, improve wheat grain yield and quality. This study aimed at evaluating the effects of weed control treatments i.e. Bromoxynil (Brominal) (24% EC), Clodinafop-Propargyl (Topik) (15% WP), Brominal + Topik, hand weeding as compared to unweeding check; four seeding rates viz. 60, 80, 100 and 120 kg /feddan (fed)* and their interaction on productivity of durum wheat and associated weeds. The results revealed that increasing seeding rate from 60 to 120 kg/fed caused great reduction in dry weights of weeds. Brominal + Topik gave the highest reduction in dry weight of grassy, broadleaf and total weeds. Applying Brominal + Topikwith 100 or 120 kg/fed seeding rate was the best combination for controlling weeds. Increasing seeding rates from 60 to 100 kg/fed significantly increased number of spikes/m2 and grains/spike in one season only. Weight of 1000 grains was decreased with increasing seeding rate from 60 to 120 kg/fed. Grain yield was increased when seeding rate increased from 60 to 100 kg/fed. Brominal + Topik treatment was superior in improving most wheat yield components, grain and straw yields. In practice grain yield increased by 43 and 38% as compared to the unweeded plots in first and second seasons, respectively. Using 80 or 100 kg/fed seeding rate with Brominal + Topik as post emergence herbicides would be recommended for achieving high grain yield (21 ardeb/fed)** under similar conditions of desert reclaimed soil highly infested by weeds.