The main objective of this research is to study the determinants of Egyptian fish demand during the period (2000-2018). The most important results of the research are the following:
1- Increasing the quantity and the value of Egyptian fish exports, with an annual growth rate about 18.8%, 20.4% for each of them, respectively.
2- The Egyptian fish exports depend on fresh and chilled fish export by 80%, live fish and ornamental fish by 8.55%, fresh and chilled molluscs by 6.04%, frozen fish by 3.37%, salted, dried and smoked fish 1.24% 0.43% shrimp and crustaceans of various types 0.43% processed and sliced or chopped fish, 0.32%.
3- Italy, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates are the most important foreign markets for Egyptian fish exports, as the value of Egyptian fish exports to these markets represents about 19.2%, 17.4%, and 8.2% of the total value of the average Egyptian fish exports during the study period.
4- The presence of an apparent comparative advantage in exporting Egyptian fish to foreign markets, where the value of this indicator increased from 59 in 2014 to 83 in 2018
5- The presence of a comparative price advantage for Egyptian fish in the Italian, the Lebanese, and the Emirati markets, where the price ratio index reached about 1.2, 1.4, and 1.8 for each of them, respectively.
6- A decrease in the penetration rate of Egyptian fish in the Italian market, which amounted about 0.5, while it was high in the Lebanese and French markets, which amounted about 11.3, 6.6, in the two markets, respectively, as a general average for the period (2013-2018).
7- The components of the Egyptian fish exports are characterized by the geographical concentration factor, where the index value reached about 0.62 in 2013 and continued to increase and approach the correct one until it reached 0.72 in 2018.
8- The decrease in the commodity diversity of Egyptian fish exports, as the value of this indicator was weak, which amounted about 0.63 in 2018.
9- The most influencing factors on the quantity of Egyptian fish exports during the study period between the determinants of global demand for Egyptian fish are both the record number of fish production in Egypt (X1), as well as the Egyptian trade policies towards fish exports (X8) as this indicates export development Egyptian fish.
10- Each of the problems and the productive technological obstacles and the marketing technology and the obstacles that relate to the nature of the export process and its procedures, and the obstacles that relate to foreign markets represent a major challenge to the access of Egyptian fish to the global market.