This work conducted to detect the presence of some types of microbial contaminants in local red meat (beef and sheep) and imported white meat found in local markets in Samaraa and Al-Dour district. Were two hundred samples were collected randomly from samara and Al-Dour within Salah Al Din province the samples were planted on different planting medias to show the presence of bacterial contaminants likely to be found in the studied meat samples, The results showed the highest contamination of beef meat with staphylococcus aureus 12.07%, staphylococcus epidermidis 3.45%, E-Coli 10.43%, Salmonella 8.62% and Bacillus 1.72%. For sheep meat the highest contamination with staphylococcus was 6.90%, E-Coli 6.90%, and Salmonella 3.45% while did not appear any contamination in staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus in sheep meat. In poultry imported meat , staphylococcus aureus conducted high percentage of pollution in three types of imprted meat :American 6.90%, Turkish (Goza) 6.90% and Turkish(Asma Uglo)5.17% while Brazilian chicken conduct lowest percentage of pollution was1.72%. About E-Coli the percentage were high in the four type of white imported meat. Salmonella did not showed any percentage of pollution in three types of white imported meat except the American type (drum stick) was3.45%. Also about Bacillus did not showed any percentage of pollution in three types of white imported meat except the American type (drum stick) was3.45%.