
The Effects of an Animation and Graphics-Based Program in Teaching English on Developing Listening and Speaking Skills of Second Grade Primary School Pupils


Last updated: 04 Jan 2025






     The language is one of the most important means to communicate with each other especially English language which became one of the most important languages all over the world. The importance of English language comes out of using it in teaching many sciences like medicine, engineering, computer science and etc. Moreover; to use technology needs to be good in English language. So many countries in which English is not the mother tongue teach English language in their schools as a second language. English seems to have been adopted as the language of globalization these days as the language of global culture and international economy Graddol, D. (1997p. 4). When we look at English language, we can find a complete system which consists of two level, receiving level (listening  & reading skills) and sending level (speaking &writing skills).There are integration among these four skills, the development of each skill leads to the development of the other one.    Moreover, acquiring the mother tongue or any other language starts with listening to this language then speaking it, so curricula advisors and text book designers of English language pay much attention to listening and speaking skills. Both Kultu &Aslanoglu, (2009) agreed that listening skill forms 45% of daily communication. Also Liem, lau &Nie (2008) assured that listening to understood linguistic input enables us to acquire language much better. According to Bueno, Madrid and McLaren (2006,p. 344) : “Listening is important for speaking because it establishes the good basis for successful communicative exchanges" . Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. Speaking is one of the most necessary language skills . It is a result of listening. If pupils listen well, they are going to speak well. Speaking is significant in terms of ongoing language acquisition. It is both the process and the product of second language acquisition. Speaking is ''the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts'' Chaney (1998, p. 13). While Brown ( 1994) defined Speaking as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.  Both listening and speaking skills suffers from neglecting in classes of our primary schools generally and in the second class especially. This negligence encourages researchers to search for advanced methods to develop listening and speaking skills.  Horng Jeoshyan (2005) tried in his study to find the elements which affect the creative learning, and the effective strategies which are used by three awarded teachers in complementary teaching field. He attained that the elements that affects the creative learning are their (personal characteristics – experiences –familial elements) he also pointed that the features of effective teaching that are used by these teachers are (students centered activities –associating between teaching content and real life –using multimedia and technology ). Children have their own private interests and activities that come out of their fondness of fun and playing. One of these interests which are results for the current advanced technology is watching TV, especially animated cartoons Mohamed (1993, p. 124) .  Toles, James and LaFayette, (2009) assumed that Multimedia Technology can help to create high quality learning environments especially for students through, different Medias like texts, graphics, sound; animation etc. It is true that traditional education is slowly moving away from pen-and-paper correspondence courses, allowing for a more interactive, integrated learning environment.    The importance of animated lessons comes out of dealing with imagination, which children like, so educational foundations seek to make animated cartoons as an educational instrument to achieve many educational goals Falata (2001, p 129) . A graphic organizer provides an overview of materials to be learned; a reference point for putting new vocabulary and main ideas into orderly patterns; a cue for important information; visual stimuli for written and verbal information; and a concise review tool. Chin-Wen Chien ( 2012)  Some people believe that animations can help people learn because they are especially motivating Rieber (1991). Others believe that animations will help students learn because they are fun and increased fun will enhance learning. For example, Danan (2004) claims that audiovisual materials enhanced with captions or subtitles may function as powerful educational tool in many ways. For example,  (1) They improve the listening comprehension skill of second/foreign language learners; (2) Facilitate language learning by helping students visualize what they hear.  (3) Increase language comprehension and lead to additional cognitive benefits, such as greater depth of processing. Other studies also such as Brenda (1991) Long & Marason (2002) approved the importance of using animated cartoons in education. In Kehoe's (1996) review of studies on animation in education, visual aids are found to have a positive effect on learning if certain conditions are met. Lee and Boling, (1999;p. 22) provide restrictive guidelines for using animations: Use animation sparingly Rieber (1990) ; Venezky & Osin (1991). Small and simple animation may be more effective than large, complex animation Rivlin, Lewis, & Davies-Copper, (1990). Use animation congruent to the learning task Rieber (1991), (1994). Use animation as a visual analogy or cognitive anchor for the instruction as a visual analogy or cognitive anchor for the instruction of problem solving Park (1994) Park & Hopkins (1993). Use animation to stimulate functional behaviors of mechanical or electronic systems and to demonstrate troubleshooting procedures (Park, 1994; Park & Hopkins, 1993). Use graphical animation to explicitly represent highly abstract and dynamic concepts in science, including time-dependent process (Park, 1994; Park & Hopkins, 1993; Rieber, 1990, 1994) (Authors call these guidelines restrictive because they attempt to delineate the precise conditions under which animation will be effective and to eliminate other conditions as appropriate for the use of animation). Avoid unnecessary or gratuitous animations on the screen so as not to distract Strauss (1991). Avoid extraneous sounds in the form of background music or unrelated environmental sounds Clark & Mayer (2003). Presenting an instructional message in words and pictures engages people in active learning by making mental connections between pictorial and verbal representation. Due to a lack of integration between verbal and pictorial representations as a unified structure, presenting words alone may engage learners in shallow learning Clark & Mayer ( 2003). Adding printed text, static graphics, charts, maps, dynamic graphics - animations may increase the cost of the instructional material but these elements can make learning an active process Clark & Mayer (2003).  As the researcher works as an English teacher, she observes obvious weakness in both listening and speaking skills in English language among second grade primary school pupils .





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المقالة الأصلية

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مجلة التربية في القرن 21 للدراسات التربوية والنفسية

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The Effects of an Animation and Graphics-Based Program in Teaching English on Developing Listening and Speaking Skills of Second Grade Primary School Pupils




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22 Jan 2023