The attenuation of gamma-ray radiation depends mainly on the energy of the incident gamma photon, the effective atomic number, density of the elements in the shielding material and the thickness of such shield. However, in this work, mass and linear attenuation coefficients, effective atomic number and electron density, mean free paths, half value layer and 10th value layer of some barium-bismuth-boro-silicate glasses were obtained at gamma-ray photon energies of 0.662, 1.173 and 1.332 MeV, by using Win-XCOM computer program. The obtained data were then compared with the experimental data. The obtained theoretical results were found in good agreement with these obtained experimentally. According to the obtained results, it can be stated that, Boro-silicate glasses containing mixed heavy metal oxides (BaO and Bi2O3) appeared to be transparent and have good gamma-ray shielding properties. But the best glass sample that can act as good attenuator is that containing 25 mol% Bi2O3, at low gamma-ray energy photons.