Background: Discharge planning is a process in which patients` needs are identified and plans are written to facilitate continuity of nursing care from one environment to another. Discharge planning tool helps and prepare patients to leave the hospital safely. Developing and maintaining a staff nurse's discharge planning knowledge and performance can be a challenging endeavor. The Aim of this study was to investigate the ability of nurses to develop and use the discharge planning tool (DPT) in practice for achieving quality nursing care and patient' satisfaction. Setting: Acute care setting "Intensive care unit, Burn unit and general units" in University hospitals in Menofia University were used for this study. Sample: A convenience sample of 90 adult patients from of the above mentioned units and all the nurses working in the same settings. Tools: (1) Knowledge Test questionnaire (Pre-Post test) for nursesto assess the nurses knowledge regarding discharge planning tool (DPT) (2) Observation Checklist (Pre-Post test) to assess the nurses performance to the discharge planning tool (DPT) with their patients, (3) The discharge plan audit "for nursing performance (4) Patient's Satisfaction to determine degree of patients satisfaction regarding nurse's performance towards discharge planning tool (DPT). The results: Significant improvements in nurse's knowledge, performance and patient's satisfaction to aspects of care given. Conclusions: the resultsindicated that the introduction of discharge plan tool (DPT) which was initiated after patient admitted to the hospital and evaluated before patient discharge from hospital effectively improves nursing staff's knowledge, performance & patient's satisfaction. Recommendations: (1) Teaching nurses about components of discharge plan tool to increase their knowledge and performance (2) the introduction of discharge plan tool to be used as a routine nursing care for all patients in different departments especially critically ill patient in the hospital can facilitate smooth transition from acute care setting to home, ensure that the patient will function at an optimal level and prevent re-hospitalization.