Background: Falls are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among older people. Aim of
the study: To identify the prevalence of falling among elderly at home in rural area of
Zagazig district. Setting: It was conducted in Shieba village at Zagazig district. Sample: It
consist of 236 community dwelling elderly. Tools: Three tools were used in the present study.
An interview questionnaire sheet which composed of four parts; the first part entails data
about demographic characteristics, the second part composed of questions to collect data
about past and present history of chronic diseases, any sensory or motor disabilities; and
medications. The third part contains past and present history of falling, and the fourth part
covered home environmental condition. Modified Falls Efficacy Scale for measuring fear of
falling, Timed Up & Go test Scale for measuring basic functional mobility. Results: The
study findings revealed that approximately two-third of the elderly in the study sample had
previous falling, mostly at home in the bathroom due to slipping and dizziness. Also, the
majority of fallers were taking more than one medication. Most elderly have low confidence
in performing the activities of daily life and abnormally long timed up-and-go test. A number
of intrinsic, behavioral, and environmental factors seem to increase the risk of falling. About
two-thirds of the elderly had subsequent phobias of falling again. Conclusion; The falls were
higher with increasing age, among females, lower educational level, elderly working, and the
unmarried. Recommendations: Health programs should be proposed to help improve home
environment, with teaching the elderly the proper actions to be taken while falling. Further
research is suggested to explore the effectiveness of nursing interventions with multiple
approaches for the falling among elderly.