Background: Egypt is over populated and continuing population growth places a major
strain on land and resources alike. Grandmultiparity can impose costly burden on Egypt; not
only that, but also it can hinder economic development, increase health problems for the
mother and children and erode the quality of life by reducing access to education, nutrition
and employment. The aim of the present study was to compare maternal and neonatal
outcome between grandmultipara and low parity women. Research design: A case control
design was used in carrying out this study and a representative sample of 200 grandmultipara
and low parity women were recruited for this study. The tools used for data collection were;
an interview questionnaire sheet, a clinical assessment form, the partograph, a summary of
labor sheet and a neonatal assessment sheet. The results of the study revealed that,
grandmultipara women were more than 35 years, illiterate or can read and write and were
living in rural areas. Previous abortion (54.0%), neonatal deaths (51.0%) and previous CS
(63.0%) were more common and they had a statistically higher rate of contraceptive failure
(p= 0.020). Their current pregnancy was associated with a higher proportion of anemia
(65.0%), gestational diabetes and mal-presentation. They also had more failure of labor
progress, uterine inertia, elective type of CS (67.6%), and postpartum hemorrhage. Neonatal
deaths (5.0%), need of resuscitation as well as admission to NICU were also more common
among grandmultipara women. It can be concluded that, the grandmultiparity was
associated with ante-partum, intra-partum and postpartum complications, as well as neonatal
morbidity and mortality. It was recommended that, the antenatal care and quality delivery
services, adequate counseling to improve patient's awareness pertaining to family planning
and on issues relating to education, economic empowerment, as well as the misuse of culture
and tradition that impedes their progress.