Background: Egypt has H5N1 outbreaks in poultry infecting resulting in disposing from
slaughtering of more than million and culling of more than 36 million birds. Egypt has used
prevention and control measures such as culling and vaccination since 2006 and more than
one billion birds have been vaccinated, but there are no sign that the infection is under control
and the government considers the disease to be endemic in the country. Study' aimed at
evaluating knowledge and practices of poultry workers about Avian Flu in Fayoum
Governorate, Egypt. Subjects and Methods: The study was conducted at El-Fayoum
governorate {4 reproductive Poultry Centers in 4 Villages; El- Ameria, El-Ajaband, Karvas
and El-Beada and 25 chicken shops for the sale and Slaughter at El-Fayoum city}, our sample
comprised 600 male poultry workers, who accepted to participate in the study and working at
the selected settings and available during the period of the study. From May 2008 to
December 2009, data collection used were structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, the
language of structured interviewing questionnaire was a colloquial Arabic; it was in the form
of multiple choice questions (MCQ). Results: More than three quarters of the sample (76.3%)
aged between 25:↓55 years. Forty seven percent of the participants were representative of
urban and more than half (53.0%) of rural areas, 43.1% of workers believe that birds get
infected from contacting diseased birds. 13.0% of poultry workers believes that AI can be
transmitted through air while 35.7% didn't know the actual mode of virus transmission among
birds. All of them have experienced at least an injury, through occupational time, regarding
attending any institutional training programs for work safety, health education or first aid
measures, all the worker reported that the institute did not organize such programs to attend.
Also, all the workers confirmed that they have not received vaccinations against any of the
possible job-related infections. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge among poultry workers about
AI, and preventive measures used during and after dealing with Poultry and more than half of
them have inadequate practices about AI and preventive measures. Recommendations:
Establish health education programs to poultry workers about importance of using personal
protective equipment (PPE) such as; outer garments (aprons or coveralls), gloves, disposable
foot protection, disposable head protection that can be reused after disinfection. All rural
health units should provide health education to poultry workers about how protect themselves
and their families from bird flow and used suitable media such as; TV, posters, and prints
materials (Q & A booklets, magazine....etc)