Background: Effective collaboration is built on trust, but without trust, team collaboration, along with patient safety, is compromised. It is important for nurses and physicians to develop a new culture of collaboration which merges the unique strengths of each discipline with the mutual goal of quality patient care. The aim of the study: was to assess the nurse-physician collaboration and its relation with patient safety at Zagazig University Hospitals. Subjects & Methods: Research design: cross-sectional correlation study design was utilized. Setting: The present study was conducted in New Surgical Hospital. Subjects A sample size included 200 nurses and 80 physicians Tools of data collection: Two tools were used for data collection: 1) nurse-physician collaboration questionnaire sheet. 2) Hospital survey of patient safety culture questionnaire sheet, Results: Nurses had higher mean scores than physician's regarding nurse-physician collaboration. Physicians had higher mean scores than nurses regarding patient safety culture. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant correlation between nurse-physicians collaboration and patient safety culture Recommendations: Encouraging programs for promoting interaction between medical and nursing students help these future professionals understand each other's roles and responsibility and establishment, development and optimizing of data collection and reporting systems and developing programs for improving culture of patient safety