Background: Stressors are any real or perceived physical, social, or psychological event or stimulus that causes bodily reaction or response. Aim of the study: Determine the stressors and coping strategies among nursing students in faculty of nursing at Zagazig University. Subject & Methods: Research Design: A cross sectional descriptive design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted in faculty of nursing at Zagazig University. Subjects: The study sample included 440 nursing students recruited from four grades from nursing students.Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to collect the necessary data. The first tool included two parts to collect data. The first part about demographic characteristics and the second part was self-administered questionnaire, student stress survey. The second tool was adolescent coping orientation for problem experiences. Results: The study findings revealed that 82.3% of the nursing students were from rural area. Additionally,(75.6%) 0f nursing students in the first grade suffered from interpersonal stressors related starting new year. Finally (47.4%) of the fourth grade of the nursing students reported they exposed interpersonal stressors of working with unknown persons compared to 44.2% of first grade. Conclusion: The highest source of stressors among the nursing students was the environmental stressors and the lowest source was academic stressors. The highest coping strategies used by the nursing students were being humorous and seeking spiritual support and the lowest is ventilating of feelings. Recommendations: Continues activation of the class leader hours to discuss the problems to alleviate the stressors among nursing students