Background :Post term pregnancy has been associated with an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Risks to both mother and infant have been increased as pregnancy progresses beyond 40 weeks of gestation. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess maternal and neonatal outcome of post term pregnancy: Subjects & methods: Research Design: A case-control prospective study design was selected in carrying out this study. Setting: The present study was conducted in the labor unit in the Maternity and Childhood Hospital at Zagazig University Hospitals Subjects: A convenience sampling technique was used. It included 300 parturient women (150 with post term pregnancy (˃41weeks) and 150 with term pregnancy (37-41wks) were recruited for this study. Tools of data collection: Structured interview tool, clinical assessment form, summary of labor tool and neonatal assessment tool. Results: The present study revealed that women with post term pregnancy were significantly more likely to have obstructed labor, perineal tear, primary postpartum hemorrhage, increased duration of labor, post term pregnancy also resulted in more cesarean section and more induction of labor. In addition the newborns had lower Apgar score at the first and fifth minutes, increased birth weight, meconium aspiration syndrome, fetal distress, and more admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Conclusion: Post term pregnancy was associated with considerable maternal and neonatal morbidity. Recommendations: Early detection and proper diagnosis is very important to reduce the post term pregnancy maternal and fetal complications