Background: Premenstrual syndrome is particularly common problem in the younger age groups. Premenstrual Syndrome had occasional extreme negative effect on quality of life. Aim of the study: was to study the association between Premenstrual Syndromes and quality of life on adolescent girls. Subjects & Methods: Research design: A descriptive study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted in Faculty of Nursing Zagazig University. Subjects: 280 of female students with PMS at different academic level at academic years 2015-2016. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used for data collection: 1) Interviewing questionnaire sheet that concerned with personal characteristics and menstrual history. 2) Prospective Record of the Impact and Severity of Menstrual symptoms (PRISM calendar)used to identify students suffer from Premenstrual Syndromes. 3) The 36-item Short from health survey (SF-36) was used to assess students quality of life. Results: The result of this study revealed that students mean age was 20.5 ± 1.6, 72.9% of them from rural area. As regard degree of PMS 12.2%, 66.4% and 21.4%of students have mild, moderate, and server degree of Premenstrual Syndromes respectively. There is a highly significant decrease on mean score of health related quality of life (HRQOL). Conclusion: The current study concluded that PMS had great burden on all dimensions of health related quality of life. As health related quality of life Score in students affected with Premenstrual Syndromes PMS is obviously lower than students not affected with Premenstrual Syndromes. The significant less scores of all subscales of health related quality of life expect in role limitation due to emotional problems. Recommendations: A comprehensive health education program suggested being included in nursing curriculum to enable female students to cope with these disturbing problems.