Background Quality of life for elderly with mobility impairment has abroad approach, the
quality of life for elderly with mobility impairment was affected generally low levels especially
for the psychological, physical and social aspects, in total, only small number of elderly had
high quality of life, Aim of the study was to assess the quality of life for elderly with mobility
impairment. Subjects and Methods: Research design: Across- section descriptive design
was used in this study to achieve its aim .Setting: the orthopedics and rehabilitation
outpatient clinics affiliated to the geriatric unit at Zagazig university Hospitals. Subjects: a
sample of 220 of elderly patients with mobility impairment. Tools of data collection: First
Tool: structure interview questionnaire, to collect the necessary basic data, Second Tool:
scale for performance of Daily Life Activities (DLA) for elderly with mobility impairment, Third
Tool: Functioning assessment scale, Fourth Tool: Quality of life (QOL) scale, Results :
statistically significant associations with all the domains and total of (QOL), The only exception
was the psychological domain, which was not statistically significant; it also indicated that there
were statistically significant relations between elderly's independence in DLA and all types of
functional abilities. Conclusion: many areas of quality of life were not achieved by the
patients, but some implementation steps were performed. Recommendations: Identify
impairment and improving services for mobility aid, assistive mobility devices and
rehabilitation programs.