للطأس فِي العصرِ الإسلاميّ استخداماتٍ عِدة فهُناک ما يُعرَف بطأس الشراب وهناک ما کان يُسْتَخْدَم فِي الطعام کما أن هناک ما يُطلَق عليهِ طأس الخضة والذي کان يُستَخدَم للعلاج والحِفظ وطرد الشرور سواء عن طريق شُرب الماء الموجود بداخلهِ أو استخدامه فِي الاستحَمَّام.
وتتناول هذه الورقة البحثية إحدى الوظائف التي أداها الطأس وهي استخدامه فِي غرض صب الماء أثناء الإستحَمَّام. ولقد ورد إلينا العديد مِن النماذج لهذا النوع مِن الطاسات التي أمکن نسبتها إلى تُرکيا العُثمانيّة فِي الفترة من القَرْن (12هـ/18م) حتى أوائل القرن (14هـ/20م) والمحفوظة في المتاحف والمجموعات الخاصة على مستوى العالم.
وعلى جانبٍ آخر ثمة لوحاتٍ عِدة للمستشرقين تُصوِّر الحَمَّامات العامة فِي الفترة قيد البحث، يتبين فِيها استخدام الطاسات فِي هذا الغرض والتي ظهرت فِيها بنفس الشکل کدليلًا ماديًّا على هذه الوظيفة.
وفي هذا الصدد جديرٌ بالذِکرِ أنه کان للحَمَّاماتِ العامة دور هام فِي حياةِ النساء اليومية ومناسبتهن الاجتماعيَّة فِي العصر العُثمانيّ وما قبله مِن عصور. هذا وقد وَرَدَت إشارات أنه کان مِن المُعتاد أن يشتَمِل شوار العروس فِي تُرکيا فِي العصر العُثمانيّ على طأس حَمَّام.
Bowls in Islamic period were used in different purposes, as there were bowls used for eating, and others used for drinking, in addition to what is called magic bowls which were used for treatment and expulsion of evils either by drinking water inside them or use this water in bathing.
In this regard, this paper deals with one of the purposes of using bowls in Ottoman Turkey in the period from (12th AH/18th AD) century till the beginning of the (14th AH/ 20th AD) century, which is pouring water during bathing. And there are several remaining examples of this kind of bowls. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that many orientalists' paintings depicting the public baths in that period show the use of bowls in that purpose.
Some of these bowls are decorated with human and animal figures and different scenes; some of them representing women in baths, while other bowls include floral and geometric decorations.
It should be noted that public baths played an important role in the lives of women in the Ottoman period, and that was in their daily lives and their social events such as preparing for weddings. It was usually known that the majority of women in Ottoman Turkey go to the public baths once a week, and there were many cosmetic operations done for them like braiding hair and beautifying face. The day of going to a public bath was a day to meet and socialize, some of the women took their children accompanied by their maids, who carried all the necessary belongings for bathing, including bowls, soap, combs and towels.
In addition, there were indications that it was customary to include