As a result of the change and development of Egyptian society, Egyptian government
has focused its attention of comprehensive development to various directio ns. One of these
attentions is housing, construction and land reclamation in Upper Egypt to go out from the
narrow valley which is about 5% of Egypt area. East El- Owauinat is one of these areas. It is
an agriculture project and must be valid all the facto rs needed for sustainability. East El -
Owauinat region is located at 220 28` N latitude and 280 42` E longitude. The climate of this
region is caricaturized by; aridity, high summer daytime temperature, large diurnal
temperature variation, low relative humidity and high solar radiation reaches to about
1000W/m2 on horizontal surface in summer seasons .
In such environments, man losses his ability to work and to contribute effectively in the
development planning due to the high thermal stress affected on him. The strategy of building
in this regioy to understand the needs of the people but to create an indoor environment which
is suitable for healthy, and comfortable to live and work in it. Also, reduce or if possible
eliminate the energy expenditure for environmental control. In order to achieve this, attention
has to be focused on building design which is a function of building form, orientation,
location, and materials used. This study deals with the bio-climatic analysis of East El-
Owauinat region and the thermal performance of building in this region to valid the Egyptian
Energy Efficiency Residential Code. The results show that, the air catcher, court and Passive
cooling systems (evaporative cooling), maintained the indoor climate in the thermal huma n
comfort zone during the hottest period under the effect of climatic conditions of East El -
Owauinat. Orientation, size, shape, building materials and outdoors -climatic factors influence
in energy auditor of the building envelope. Also shading devices, ins ulating materials, and
smart glass achieve a harmony building with environment , and save energy by about 60%.
Thermal insulation is needed for all exposed roofs and the required thermal resistance has
a minimum R-value ≥2.5 m2K/W. The required thermal resistance for walls must be
between 0.9 and 1.3 m2K/W.