ملخص البحث.
المرشح الديناميکى رأسى التصرف هو إحدى التقنيات الجديدة التى أثبتت نجاحها فى مختلف الدول فى معالجة مياة
الشرب و الصرف الصى من مختلف المصادر. هذا البحث الهدف منه تقييم کفاءة المرشح الديناميکى فى المعالجة
الثلاثية. تم عمل إختبار لمرشح ديناميکى قائم و موجود فى القاهرة الجديدة فى منتجع سکنى يسمى قطامية ديونز و
تم عمل تقييم لجودة المياه بعد عمل إختبارات عديدة.
This paper highlights the importance of the use of the dynamic up flow sand filtration system (Dyna Sand) as a new technique successfully applied in different countries for water and wastewater from different sources.
This study was held to evaluate and examine the application of dynamic up flow sand filter to treat waste water, for studying the efficiency of the dynamic up flow sand filter as tertiary treatment. The study was held at Katameya Dunes waste water treatment plant in New Cairo. The study was carried out to examine the performance of the existing Tertiary Filtration Plant. The samples were collected after the secondary treatment of wastewater, before the tertiary treatment. Then the samples examined to prove the success of this filter, where collected after the tertiary treatment by the Dyna Sand. The parameters measured were the BOD, COD and Total Suspended Solids.
The filter showed high removal efficiency in eliminating these parameters. The treatment plant effluent resulted in significant improvement of the bacteriological characteristics of the influent waste water to Katameya Dunes Waste Water Treatment Plant. After Filtration and Chlorination none of these organisms were found, thus the effluent is complying with the ministry of health requirements for reuse of waste water for unrestricted irrigation.