Electric power systems have been forced to operate to almost their capacities
due to the environmental and economic constraints to build new generating plants
and transmission lines. The basic requirement of power system is to meet the
demand that varies continuously. The amount of power delivered by the power
companies must be equal to that of consumer's need. Unfortunately nobody
guarantees that unexpected things such as generator fault or line fault and line
tripping would not happen. Congestion is a result of such unexpected things and it
can be defined as inability of transmission system to accommodate the energy flow
arising from unconstrained generator dispatch.
Due to its fast control characteristics and continuous compensation
capability, Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices have been
researched and adopted in power engineering area. There are so many advantages
of FACTS device; it can increase dynamic stability, loading capability of lines and
system security. It can also increase utilization of lowest cost generation. The key
role of FACTS device is to control the power flow actively and effectively. In other
words, it can transfer power flow from one line to another within its capability.
This paper presents detailed optimal transmission congestion management
using control of two Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controllers,
namely, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSCs) and Thyristor Controlled
Series Reactor (TCSR).
The paper focuses on the operation of the FACTS device under generator
fault that may cause any other transmission lines to be overflowed. The proposed
algorithm in this paper is tested on the IEEE 14 bus system and the IEEE 30 bus
FACTS, TCSCs, TCSR, IEEE 14 bus system, IEEE 30 bus system
Misr Petroleum Company, Cairo, Egypt.
Electrical Power &Machine Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Electrical Power &Machine Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Electrical Power &Machine Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt.
-Article Issue
6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEENG 2008
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Publication Title
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering
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Optimal Transmission Congestion Management Using FACTS