Performance is critical to the success of any software system, especially large and real
time ones. Performance for such systems should be predicted as early as in the requirements
analysis and design phases of the development process and before code implementation. This
is essential to save the investments of money and time. Several Software Performance
Engineering (SPE) approaches have been proposed to predict and validate the performance of
software systems from its architectural designs. Some of them have been applied successfully
to static (non-mobile) systems. Performance modeling and analysis of mobile systems is more
complex than non-mobile ones. Although mobile systems are gaining more and more
widespread and importance, the means for their specification are still underdeveloped. The
obstacle that faces extending static software performance prediction approaches to be applied
to mobile systems is to find a way to model the mobility behavior of software components.
In this paper, we are concerned with two performance prediction approaches that have
been provided with mobility modeling techniques. This enables us to use them for
performance validation of mobile systems. The paper's main focus is on presenting two
mobility modeling techniques that were proposed for these two approaches in detail. Our
objective is to study, analyze and compare them. The framework of each approach is also
presented to see how both the technique and the approach fit together.