Stealth is the art of concealing targets from detectors. The stealth technology aims to
the design and proposal of materials and techniques that can lead to the reduction of
the target signature in the infrared, visible, acoustic and radar domains.
In this papers, a textile barrier (cover) treated with different chemicals is used to
reduce the thermal signature of a hot plate. The reduction of the infrared radiation
emitted from the hot plate was measured and recorded by an infrared camera.
Different types of textile have been examined and it was found that, white duck textile
is the best. This textile reduces the difference between the temperature of the hot
plate (100 0C) after the textile barrier and the back ground temperature (25 0C) to
(15 0C) at a distance of 1 cm without any treatment.
The distance between the hot plate and the textile barrier was studied in the range
from 1 cm to 5 cm and it was found that, as the distance increased the temperature
of the hot plate after the barrier decreased. The results show that, white duck textile
without any chemical treatment reduces the thermal image of a hot plate at 100 oC by
almost 83%. while its treatment by white emulsion paint reduces the thermal image of
the same hot plate by 90%.The addition of titanium dixide to the paint increases the
percent reduction to 91%. The other chemical additives such as talc powder,calsium
carbonate, calsium sulfate, and carbon black gives lower results since these
additives affect the brightness of the treated surface. However, as the areal density
of these additives increases from 5.5 mg/cm2 to 11.1 mg/cm2, the results become
almost the same like the treatment with paint only due to the increase in