One of the most significant current discussions in science of explosives is Detection of
explosives. The number of terrorist attacks, and suicide bombings in particular, has risen
dramatically in the last few years. Mitigation the worldwide explosive threat, both today and
in the future is the strategic goal for detecting explosives materials (substances and mixtures).
Early detection of hidden explosive devices therefore has the potential to save many lives. In
order to achieve that goal it has to know the conventional and unconventional components of
the explosive materials as well as the accurate characterization of their physical and chemical
As nanomaterials become more readily available for commercial devices, great interest has
been shown in using them to develop trace-level detection systems for explosives which
overcome all of these issues. Because of the unique nature and tuneable properties of
nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes, nanowires, and other nanostructures, handheld or
portable systems which are sensitive down to the molecular level could well be possible
The purpose of this lecture is to review recent research into the common threads form
explosives materials, applications, requirements and challenges of detection technologies,
existing systems which are capable of detecting compounds, nanotechnology of chemical
sensors and sensor devices structure based on nanomaterials, nanocarbons (single wall
nanotubes, multiwall nanotubes and graphene nanosheets), titania (TiO2) nanotube array and
nanoparticle systems (gold nanoparticles and silica nanoparticles). Finally the suggested
recommendations for implementation of nanotechnology of chemical sensors are presented.
Control stage (Key performance indicators)