Environmental pollution is a major problem encountered in cities as well as in rural communities. The environmental pollution in the village represents a real danger having negative effects on the products of villages such as plants, vegetables and fruits; their effects are then conveyed to animals that feed on these plants, and to human beings who consume these products, in addition to the meat of the animals coming from these villages. Therefore, there is an imminent need for us to use all our efforts in order to make the environment, in the village, unpolluted and healthy.
Since the village provides Egypt with different agricultural products, it is of tremendous importance to the Egyptian economy. Nevertheless, the environment in rural areas does not get as much attention, from environmentalists, compared to urban communities. The villages suffer from the lack of systems for collection of solid wastes and of sewage disposal. This leads to an increase in pollution in these villages.
This paper studies the environment of many villages in Egypt. One village was chosen to represent some of these villages. This was Dalahmo village in Menoufiya governorate.
Using an analytical approach and field study, the paper displays the economic conditions of the village. The paper covers three environmental parameters. These are air, water and soil. It indicates the pollution encountered in rural communities. The paper also reviews the negative effects that this resulting pollution has on the health of human beings. It also points out the role of the individual behavior that causes `the aggravation of the problem of environmental pollution. It illustrates, then, the quantities and types of solid wastes resulting in the village.
The paper finally presents suggestions for the management of different types of solid wastes. It also presents suggestions to solve the water pollution problem and consequently the soil problem in order to make the village environment pollution free.