: A submarine when deeply submerged, hull compression and buoyancy force variation would occur, which suggests a near to surface submergence whenever possible. In addition, a near to surface operation of submerged submarine in lateral waves would have longer natural periods. In this work, the dynamic loads and motion response of low submergence submarine in lateral waves of deep water has been investigated. However, the very low metacentric height of a submerged submarine has a great and direct effect on the submarine both transverse and longitudinal dynamic instability.
The linear potential theory of deep water flow, together with Froude-Krylov hypothesis on long lateral waves, and proper applications of the strip theory techniques have been applied properly to predict for a submarine lateral sea wave exciting loads of heave, sway, and roll motions at a proper range of wave frequency. A published experimental work on heave motion of circular cross-sections in lateral waves of deep water is utilized to determine the heave exciting force and heave response for these sections. The strip theory is employed, to determine the resultant integrated submarine's hull heave exciting force and motion response in lateral waves. The results of the present development on submarine heave motion, have good agree-ment with those based on experiments, especially in the range of low wave frequency. This agreement gives a good source of validation of the present work for low draft submarine heave, sway, and roll motions in the near surface lateral waves.