This study aims to determine the applicability of a suggested tourism experience that enable international tourists to simulate the lifestyle of ancient Egyptians in Luxor. It also aims to understand the attitudes of both tourists and service providers–i.e. tourism and hospitality enterprises–toward this experience. The study adopted a qualitative approach and used semi-structured interview as an instrument for collecting primary data. A total of 118 interviews were conducted with both tourists (73) and service providers (45) in Luxor. Participants were selected using convenience sampling technique due to accessibility issues. All interviews were transcribed and then content analysis was used as a technique for analyzing the gathered data. The results indicated that the suggested tourism experience is applicable by service providers and acceptable by tourists. Out of the various proposed simulated services, the results revealed some specific tourism and hospitality services to be included in the proposed experience such as dining facilities and recreation activities. Another important finding of the study showed that both tourists and service providers have positive attitudes toward the introduced tourism experience.
Novel Tourism, Simulating Lifestyle, ancient Egypt, tourism, Hospitality, Luxor
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Original Research Articles
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International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality
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Toward a novel tourism experience: simulating ancient Egyptian lifestyle through tourism and hospitality services