Evaluation of training effectiveness signifies measuring the improvement in the participant's knowledge, skill and behavior within the organization as a result of the acquired training experience. This measurement helps to match the training design and implementation cost with the associated benefits. Thus, it indicates whether the program has been able to deliver its intended goals and objectives. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of 'The Development of Ecotourism in the Middle East Countries' (DEMEC) training program using the eQvet-us Model. Both objectives and evaluations levels of the model are implemented following the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA) in opposite senses.
Results expose the training program effectiveness in both levels and in each phase of the PDCA cycle. In the objectives level, the effectiveness of the program building and the alignment between outcomes and contents, performance, knowledge, and motivation are analyzed. In the evaluations level, training impact on participants' reaction, learning, behavior, and results are investigated including: knowledge, skills, and behaviors of ex-participants; training impact on career promotion of ex-participants; training impact on knowledge, skills, and attitudes transfer to fellow colleagues at work; training impact on relationships with local people; and networking with other ex-participants. Finally, this paper sets recommendations to improve the effectiveness of DEMEC training program.