The aim of this study is to mapping lineaments at the Kadabora granitic area, for a purpose of
developing strategies and reconsider the relationship between the structural lineaments, radioactivity
and alteration zones. The work deals with the relationship between the structure of lineaments and
radioactivity in the study area. Image processing and statistical analysis of the obtained lineaments was
performed and show ascendancy of NW-SE and NE-SW directions with 300457 m. in length of 503 lines of
43.7% and 251900 m. in length of 421 lines of 36.6% of the overall total of linear structures, respectively.
Also, the North-South trend has about 126357 m. for 171 lines of 14.8%, but the E-W trend has about
27589 m. in length of 56 lines of 4.8%. These lineaments are totalizing 1151 segments and a global length
of 706305 m. Results obtained join the main directions of digitized faults from the published geological
map of the region, totalizing a length of 22625 m. There are three main anomaly zones for ratio image
cover the study area, where Landsat 8 ratio image of band 4/2 shows alterations of ferruginous minerals.
While, the image 5/6 gives alterations of ferromagnesian minerals and finally the ratio image 6/7 gives
alterations of hydroxide-bearing minerals. The interpretation and analysis for radioactive anomaly and
alteration zones and also the fracture frequency (length and number), explained that high radioactive
locations occur in monzogranitic rocks which have high fracture density. On the other hand, the low
radioactive zones occur within the syenogranitic as well as other country rocks which have a low fracture
density in the study area.