This research addresses the legal consequences arising out of a commercial securities discount contract, where (the discount contract) means that the bank shall accelerate to the holder of the trade paper or any other negotiable instrument that has not expired due fixed value with the instrument less interest and commission for transfer of ownership of the instrument, with the beneficiary s obligation to return value to the bank if the original debtor doesn t pay it.
The research addressed some of the legal effects arising from the contract to deduct commercial papers, including nature law for a debit contract, where research addresses the concept of a discount contract, its legal adaptation, and the rules for concluding a contract the deduction, its termination or dissolution, and the rights and obligations arising out of the commercial securities discount contract, where he discussed research on the legal implications of a debit contract for the bank, beneficiary and debtor of the paper charged against.
The research also addressed the legal consequences of a discount contract in bankruptcy, where the search deals with an impact bank and client bankruptcy on discount contract, also a problem discussed in the research the validity of the coutesy papers and the check, to be a discount shop.
Keyword: Discount contract, bank, client, Appearances, trade paperwork, bank kruptcy, due date, cheque, courtesy papers, reverse entry.