Legal means to counter organ theft
Study in human rights
Whereas medical and technological progress has achieved unprecedented successes for human beings; However, it has its shortcomings due to its misuse by those looking to get rich quickly by undermining internationally and locally recognized human rights, and among these very serious shortcomings is the issue of crimes resulting from medical progress and high technology, where there are some institutions led by suspicious people working to kidnap children and juveniles. And to remove their vital bodily organs to sell to patients who desperately need them.
They are helped by the presence of some inferior hospitals, some doctors and immoral people with advanced medical technology expertise that qualifies them to benefit from the human organ after its extraction, even after a while, as well as human organ dealers who form gangs that agree with each other through the international information network.
Through our research, we will talk about the cradle of this phenomenon, the reasons for its emergence, and the factors that led to its global spread, so that we can reach the effective means that work to confront it, reduce it, and even prevent its existence completely.
And that is by looking at the legislation regulating the transplantation of these organs, and other relevant legislation, such as laws related to the various fields and medical sciences and their requirements, as well as the laws that confront them, such as penalties, criminal procedures, communications and information technology; Especially since it is agreed upon between its members via the Internet.
Since this phenomenon is very dangerous and is widespread in all parts of the world - especially in developing countries - it must be shed light on it to urge all those in charge of this matter, including legal men, legislators, and security and administrative bodies, to confront this phenomenon.