Today, modern automation is able to perform many functions and tasks performed by the human element, and has exceeded its ability to perform intellectual tasks, and this had a clear impact on employment in the countries in which it has spread, and the Corona pandemic contributed to accelerating the shift towards the use of modern automation techniques such as intelligence techniques, Artificial intelligence, big data, the machine learning system and its replacement with workers, which led to the deepening and increasing fear of the possibility of the machine replacing workers and the disappearance of jobs. Opinions and intellectual trends differed in determining the extent of the possibility of achieving massive unemployment due to modern automation. As some depict, but it is not simple, and if the impact of automation on employment is present in developed countries, its impact on developing countries is greater, in addition to that its impact may extend in developing countries to the industries themselves and the possibility of resettling them in countries that possess technologies and digital infrastructure, and extends to foreign investments in Developing countries, and this means that the risk of modern automation on employment in developing countries is greater than on developing countries It requires all countries to take measures to raise the level of workers' skills, reconsider educational curricula and increase the government's role to reduce the income gap and support effective demand capable of increasing demand and productivity in order to face the expected danger of modern automation.