Background: In Egypt, the "Mobile Clinics" project has started in 1997 to provide many services including non-fee family planning/reproductive health services. Higher patient satisfaction is central to the success of any healthcare system. Objective: To assess client satisfaction with mobile clinics at Elbelina district - Upper Egypt aiming to improve the services introduced by it. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 428 clients who attended the mobile clinics in El-Baliana district (Sohag) during the period January–June 2020 and fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. A questionnaire was designed to assess the satisfaction of clients with the services provided by mobile clinics and the enrolled participants were interviewed by well-trained interviewers in the mobile clinics during the scheduled break times. Results: 74.8% of the enrolled clients were females and 83.2% of them were married. 79.4% of the visits were repeated, 75.9% of them were non-scheduled and 53% of clients attended the mobile clinics for family planning services. A statistically significant association was found between sex and satisfaction level of registration services as well as health insurance office. Changes in residency were associated with statistically significant changes in the satisfaction levels of reception services, the satisfaction of the levels of attention and professionalism of the nursing staff, and satisfaction of the attention and professionalism of the physician. Conclusion: This indicates that the mobile clinic service represents an important model for the delivery of healthcare to communities in geographically and topographically inaccessible areas. Keywords: Mobile clinics; Client satisfaction.