تناول البحث مسألة خطأ الرواة وإصرارهم عليه وتأثير ذلک على ضبطهم، وبيان درجة مروياتهم، فبدأ البحث بالتعريف بالخطأ والإصرار عليه، ثم کيفية معرفة خطأ الراوي، وبيان أسبابه، وکيفية تجنب وقوعه في الحديث، وبيان أسباب الإصرار عليه، والفرق بين الإصرار على الخطأ والکذب، ثم بيان أنواع الخطأ في الحديث، فمنه الخطأ بحسب تعمده وعدمه، وبحسب موضعه، وبحسب تأثيره وعدمه، وبحسب الرجوع عنه والإصرار عليه، وبيان شروط قبول رواية المصرِّ على خطئه، ثم الفرق بين تصويب الخطأ والتلقين، ثم ختم البحث ببيان أهم النتائج والتوصيات.
The research dealt with the issue of the narrators 'error and their insistence on it and the effect of that on their control, and the degree of their narratives, so the research began by defining the error and insisting on it, then how to know the narrator's mistake, explain its causes, how to avoid its occurrence in the hadith, explain the reasons for insisting on it, and the difference between insisting on error and lying, Then explaining the types of error in the hadith, from which the error is according to its deliberate and lack of it, according to its position, according to its influence and lack of it, and according to its reversal and insistence on it, and the explanation of the conditions for accepting the narration of the insist on his mistake, then the difference between correcting the mistake and indoctrination, then concluding the research with a statement of the most important results and recommendations.