The arterial supply of the foot was carried out on ten adult, healthy domestic ducks. The arteries were demonstrated by injection of colored gum milk latex and treated by the ordinary method of preserving. The arterial supply of the foot was achieved mainly by the cranial tibial artery. The foot received its arterial supply through two sets of arteries; dorsal and plantar. The dorsal set comprised the Rete tibiotarsale and A.metatarsalis dorsalis communis. The plantar set of arteries supplying the foot was derived from the Aa. intermetatarsales plantares and the plantar arch. The digital arteries arose from the latter arch except those of the 2nd digit and mostly the lateral artery of the 4thdigit.The metatarsal pad was supplied by single pulvinar branch arising from either the plantar arch or A. digitalis III lateralis. The interdigital web was sup- plied by fine transverse rami arising from the Aa. digitales III medialis and lateralis, A. digitalis II lateralis and A. digitalis IV medialis as well as a longitudinal branch arising from the latter artery. These rami were anastomosed forming capillary network distributed all over the web. The results obtained were photographed, described and discussed with those of other of other authors in domestic birds.